find: Combining Primaries With Operators

 2.12 Combining Primaries With Operators
 Operators build a complex expression from tests and actions.  The
 operators are, in order of decreasing precedence:
 '( EXPR )'
      Force precedence.  True if EXPR is true.
 '! EXPR'
 '-not EXPR'
      True if EXPR is false.  In some shells, it is necessary to protect
      the '!' from shell interpretation by quoting it.
 'EXPR1 -a EXPR2'
 'EXPR1 -and EXPR2'
      And; EXPR2 is not evaluated if EXPR1 is false.
 'EXPR1 -o EXPR2'
 'EXPR1 -or EXPR2'
      Or; EXPR2 is not evaluated if EXPR1 is true.
 'EXPR1 , EXPR2'
      List; both EXPR1 and EXPR2 are always evaluated.  True if EXPR2 is
      true.  The value of EXPR1 is discarded.  This operator lets you do
      multiple independent operations on one traversal, without depending
      on whether other operations succeeded.  The two operations EXPR1
      and EXPR2 are not always fully independent, since EXPR1 might have
      side effects like touching or deleting files, or it might use
      '-prune' which would also affect EXPR2.
    'find' searches the directory tree rooted at each file name by
 evaluating the expression from left to right, according to the rules of
 precedence, until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for
 '-and', true for '-or'), at which point 'find' moves on to the next file
    There are two other tests that can be useful in complex expressions:
  -- Test: -true
      Always true.
  -- Test: -false
      Always false.