gnupg: Changing options

 9.4.6 Changing options
 The command '--change-options COMPONENT' will attempt to change the
 options of the component COMPONENT to the specified values.  COMPONENT
 must be the string in the field NAME in the output of the
 '--list-components' command.  You have to provide the options that shall
 be changed in the following format on standard input:
      This is the name of the option to change.  NAME must be the string
      in the field NAME in the output of the '--list-options' command.
      The flags field contains an _unsigned number_.  Its value is the
      OR-wise combination of the following flag values:
      'default (16)'
           If this flag is set, the option is deleted and the default
           value is used instead (if applicable).
      The new value for the option.  This field is only defined if the
      'default' flag is not set.  The format is that of an _option
      argument_.  If it is empty (or the field is omitted), the default
      argument is used (only allowed if the argument is optional for this
      option).  Otherwise, the option will be set to the specified value.
 The output of the command is the same as that of '--check-options' for
 the modified configuration file.
    To set the force option, which is of basic type 'none (0)':
      $ echo 'force:0:1' | gpgconf --change-options dirmngr
    To delete the force option:
      $ echo 'force:16:' | gpgconf --change-options dirmngr
    The '--runtime' option can influence when the changes take effect.