gnupg: Ephemeral home directories

 4.5.2 Ephemeral home directories
 Sometimes you want to contain effects of some operation, for example you
 want to import a key to inspect it, but you do not want this key to be
 added to your keyring.  In earlier versions of GnuPG, it was possible to
 specify alternate keyring files for both public and secret keys.  In
 modern GnuPG versions, however, we changed how secret keys are stored in
 order to better protect secret key material, and it was not possible to
 preserve this interface.
    The preferred way to do this is to use ephemeral home directories.
 This technique works across all versions of GnuPG.
    Create a temporary directory, create (or copy) a configuration that
 meets your needs, make 'gpg' use this directory either using the
 environment variable GNUPGHOME, or the option '--homedir'.  GPGME
 supports this too on a per-context basis, by modifying the engine info
 of contexts.  Now execute whatever operation you like, import and export
 key material as necessary.  Once finished, you can delete the directory.
 All GnuPG backend services that were started will detect this and shut