wget: Reporting Bugs

 8.6 Reporting Bugs
 You are welcome to submit bug reports via the GNU Wget bug tracker (see
 <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=additem&group=wget>) or to our
 mailing list <bug-wget@gnu.org>.
    Visit <https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-wget> to get more
 info (how to subscribe, list archives, ...).
    Before actually submitting a bug report, please try to follow a few
 simple guidelines.
   1. Please try to ascertain that the behavior you see really is a bug.
      If Wget crashes, it’s a bug.  If Wget does not behave as
      documented, it’s a bug.  If things work strange, but you are not
      sure about the way they are supposed to work, it might well be a
      bug, but you might want to double-check the documentation and the
      mailing lists (⇒Mailing Lists).
   2. Try to repeat the bug in as simple circumstances as possible.  E.g.
      if Wget crashes while downloading ‘wget -rl0 -kKE -t5 --no-proxy
      http://example.com -o /tmp/log’, you should try to see if the crash
      is repeatable, and if will occur with a simpler set of options.
      You might even try to start the download at the page where the
      crash occurred to see if that page somehow triggered the crash.
      Also, while I will probably be interested to know the contents of
      your ‘.wgetrc’ file, just dumping it into the debug message is
      probably a bad idea.  Instead, you should first try to see if the
      bug repeats with ‘.wgetrc’ moved out of the way.  Only if it turns
      out that ‘.wgetrc’ settings affect the bug, mail me the relevant
      parts of the file.
   3. Please start Wget with ‘-d’ option and send us the resulting output
      (or relevant parts thereof).  If Wget was compiled without debug
      support, recompile it—it is _much_ easier to trace bugs with debug
      support on.
      Note: please make sure to remove any potentially sensitive
      information from the debug log before sending it to the bug
      address.  The ‘-d’ won’t go out of its way to collect sensitive
      information, but the log _will_ contain a fairly complete
      transcript of Wget’s communication with the server, which may
      include passwords and pieces of downloaded data.  Since the bug
      address is publicly archived, you may assume that all bug reports
      are visible to the public.
   4. If Wget has crashed, try to run it in a debugger, e.g.  ‘gdb `which
      wget` core’ and type ‘where’ to get the backtrace.  This may not
      work if the system administrator has disabled core files, but it is
      safe to try.