#!/usr/bin/perl use LAM::LAM qw(displaySource displayPage getTextFile); # Lexicon Abstact Map use CGI qw(:all); # Perl Common Gateway Interface package use strict; # Force me to use strict variable syntax. use warnings; # Enable warnings. LAM::displaySource( # Display source, rlog, etc. if requested. "https://github.com/LAMurakami/no-ssl/blob/master/html/Public/Scripts/Better-Config-File.cgi-pl"); my $ProgramHead1 = "

' . "Better Configuration File parameters

\n\n"; my $cfDir = '/var/www/no-ssl/html/Public/Content'; my $cfFile = "$cfDir/Better-Configuration-File.conf"; open (CONFIG, $cfFile) # Open configuration file or LAM::displayPage('-e', "Cannot open configuration file", # or report error "\nConfiguration file: $cfFile NOT opened!\n", "Run time error: $0
Configuration file: $cfFile NOT opened!
$!\n" . "$ProgramHead1\n"); # modified from Perl Cookbook 8.16 Reading Configuration files my %configParameter = (); # Define a hash! while() { # Load parameters from configuration file into a hash chomp; # strip newline s/#.*//; # strip comments s/^\s+//; # strip leading white space s/\s+$//; # strip trailing white space next unless length; # skip empty lines last unless not m/z End of Basic Better Configuration paramters/; my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s/, $_, 2); $configParameter{$var} = $value; } # End - Load parameters from configuration file into a hash my $h2 = "

File: $cfFile

\n\n"; # Define some headings my $table = "\n"; # Start a table definition my $tr1 = ''; # modified from Perl Cookbook 5.5 printing a Hash and 5.4 Traversing a Hash # with 5.9 Sorting a Hash included as an afterthought. foreach my $key (sort keys %configParameter) { # for each parameter by name my $value = $configParameter{$key}; # retrieve value for name my $bGcolor = 'white'; # Set default background color if ($value eq '') {$bGcolor = 'yellow'} # Highlight keys with no value $table .= "$tr1$key:
'; # Define table boundaries my $tr2 = '
$value$tr2\n" # add table row } $table .= "
\n\n"; # End the table definition my $text = LAM::getTextFile($cfFile); # Get the RAW configuration file text LAM::displayPage('-c', '-t', " LAM Alaska Better Configuration File parameters", '', $ProgramHead1 . $table . $h2 # Display both formatted parameters and RAW file data . textarea({-name=>'Configuration File', -wrap=>'soft', -rows=>32, -columns=>85, -value=>$text, -READONLY=>1})); # with LAM style and menuBar