automake-1.16: Multiple Outputs

 26.9 Handling Tools that Produce Many Outputs
 This section describes a ‘make’ idiom that can be used when a tool
 produces multiple output files.  It is not specific to Automake and can
 be used in ordinary ‘Makefile’s.
    Suppose we have a program called ‘foo’ that will read one file called
 ‘’ and produce two files named ‘data.c’ and ‘data.h’.  We want
 to write a ‘Makefile’ rule that captures this one-to-two dependency.
    The naive rule is incorrect:
      # This is incorrect.
      data.c data.h:
 What the above rule says is that ‘data.c’ and ‘data.h’ each depend on
 ‘’, and can each be built by running ‘foo’.  In other
 words it is equivalent to:
      # We do not want this.
 which means that ‘foo’ can be run twice.  Usually it will not be run
 twice, because ‘make’ implementations are smart enough to check for the
 existence of the second file after the first one has been built; they
 will therefore detect that it already exists.  However there are a few
 situations where it can run twice anyway:
    • The most worrying case is when running a parallel ‘make’.  If
      ‘data.c’ and ‘data.h’ are built in parallel, two ‘foo’
      commands will run concurrently.  This is harmful.
    • Another case is when the dependency (here ‘’) is (or
      depends upon) a phony target.
    A solution that works with parallel ‘make’ but not with phony
 dependencies is the following:
      data.c data.h:
      data.h: data.c
 The above rules are equivalent to
      data.h: data.c
 therefore a parallel ‘make’ will have to serialize the builds of
 ‘data.c’ and ‘data.h’, and will detect that the second is no longer
 needed once the first is over.
    Using this pattern is probably enough for most cases.  However it
 does not scale easily to more output files (in this scheme all output
 files must be totally ordered by the dependency relation), so we will
 explore a more complicated solution.
    Another idea is to write the following:
      # There is still a problem with this one.
      data.h: data.c
 The idea is that ‘foo’ is run only when ‘data.c’ needs to be
 updated, but we further state that ‘data.h’ depends upon ‘data.c’.  That
 way, if ‘data.h’ is required and ‘’ is out of date, the
 dependency on ‘data.c’ will trigger the build.
    This is almost perfect, but suppose we have built ‘data.h’ and
 ‘data.c’, and then we erase ‘data.h’.  Then, running ‘make data.h’ will
 not rebuild ‘data.h’.  The above rules just state that ‘data.c’ must be
 up-to-date with respect to ‘’, and this is already the case.
    What we need is a rule that forces a rebuild when ‘data.h’ is
 missing.  Here it is:
      data.h: data.c
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
              @test -f $@ || rm -f data.c
              @test -f $@ || $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) data.c
    It is tempting to use a single test as follows:
      data.h: data.c
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
              @if test -f $@; then :; else \
                rm -f data.c; \
                $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) data.c; \
 but that would break ‘make -n’: at least GNU ‘make’ and Solaris ‘make’
 execute recipes containing the ‘$(MAKE)’ string even when they are
 running in dry mode.  So if we didn’t break the recipe above in two
 invocations, the file ‘data.c’ would be removed even upon ‘make -n’.
 Not nice.
    The above scheme can be extended to handle more outputs and more
 inputs.  One of the outputs is selected to serve as a witness to the
 successful completion of the command, it depends upon all inputs, and
 all other outputs depend upon it.  For instance, if ‘foo’ should
 additionally read ‘’ and also produce ‘data.w’ and ‘data.x’, we
 would write:
      data.h data.w data.x: data.c
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
              @test -f $@ || rm -f data.c
              @test -f $@ || $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) data.c
    However there are now three minor problems in this setup.  One is
 related to the timestamp ordering of ‘data.h’, ‘data.w’, ‘data.x’, and
 ‘data.c’.  Another one is a race condition if a parallel ‘make’ attempts
 to run multiple instances of the recover block at once.  Finally, the
 recursive rule breaks ‘make -n’ when run with GNU ‘make’ (as well as
 some other ‘make’ implementations), as it may remove ‘data.h’ even when
 it should not (⇒How the ‘MAKE’ Variable Works (make)MAKE
    Let us deal with the first problem.  ‘foo’ outputs four files, but we
 do not know in which order these files are created.  Suppose that
 ‘data.h’ is created before ‘data.c’.  Then we have a weird situation.
 The next time ‘make’ is run, ‘data.h’ will appear older than ‘data.c’,
 the second rule will be triggered, a shell will be started to execute
 the ‘’ command, but it will just execute the ‘then’ branch, that
 is: nothing.  In other words, because the witness we selected is not the
 first file created by ‘foo’, ‘make’ will start a shell to do nothing
 each time it is run.
    A simple riposte is to fix the timestamps when this happens.
      data.h data.w data.x: data.c
              @test ! -f $@ || touch $@
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
              @test -f $@ || rm -f data.c
              @test -f $@ || $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) data.c
    Another solution is to use a different and dedicated file as witness,
 rather than using any of ‘foo’’s outputs.
              @rm -f data.tmp
              @touch data.tmp
              @mv -f data.tmp $@
      data.c data.h data.w data.x: data.stamp
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
              @test -f $@ || rm -f data.stamp
              @test -f $@ || $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) data.stamp
    ‘data.tmp’ is created before ‘foo’ is run, so it has a timestamp
 older than output files output by ‘foo’.  It is then renamed to
 ‘data.stamp’ after ‘foo’ has run, because we do not want to update
 ‘data.stamp’ if ‘foo’ fails.
    This solution still suffers from the second problem: the race
 condition in the recover rule.  If, after a successful build, a user
 erases ‘data.c’ and ‘data.h’, and runs ‘make -j’, then ‘make’ may start
 both recover rules in parallel.  If the two instances of the rule
 execute ‘$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) data.stamp’ concurrently the build is
 likely to fail (for instance, the two rules will create ‘data.tmp’, but
 only one can rename it).
    Admittedly, such a weird situation does not arise during ordinary
 builds.  It occurs only when the build tree is mutilated.  Here ‘data.c’
 and ‘data.h’ have been explicitly removed without also removing
 ‘data.stamp’ and the other output files.  ‘make clean; make’ will always
 recover from these situations even with parallel makes, so you may
 decide that the recover rule is solely to help non-parallel make users
 and leave things as-is.  Fixing this requires some locking mechanism to
 ensure only one instance of the recover rule rebuilds ‘data.stamp’.  One
 could imagine something along the following lines.
      data.c data.h data.w data.x: data.stamp
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
              @if test -f $@; then :; else \
                trap 'rm -rf data.lock data.stamp' 1 2 13 15; \
      ## mkdir is a portable test-and-set
                if mkdir data.lock 2>/dev/null; then \
      ## This code is being executed by the first process.
                  rm -f data.stamp; \
                  $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) data.stamp; \
                  result=$$?; rm -rf data.lock; exit $$result; \
                else \
      ## This code is being executed by the follower processes.
      ## Wait until the first process is done.
                  while test -d data.lock; do sleep 1; done; \
      ## Succeed if and only if the first process succeeded.
                  test -f data.stamp; \
                fi; \
    Using a dedicated witness, like ‘data.stamp’, is very handy when the
 list of output files is not known beforehand.  As an illustration,
 consider the following rules to compile many ‘*.el’ files into ‘*.elc’
 files in a single command.  It does not matter how ‘ELFILES’ is defined
 (as long as it is not empty: empty targets are not accepted by POSIX).
      ELFILES = one.el two.el three.el ...
      ELCFILES = $(ELFILES:=c)
      elc-stamp: $(ELFILES)
              @rm -f elc-temp
              @touch elc-temp
              $(elisp_comp) $(ELFILES)
              @mv -f elc-temp $@
      $(ELCFILES): elc-stamp
              @if test -f $@; then :; else \
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
                trap 'rm -rf elc-lock elc-stamp' 1 2 13 15; \
                if mkdir elc-lock 2>/dev/null; then \
      ## This code is being executed by the first process.
                  rm -f elc-stamp; \
                  $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) elc-stamp; \
                  rmdir elc-lock; \
                else \
      ## This code is being executed by the follower processes.
      ## Wait until the first process is done.
                  while test -d elc-lock; do sleep 1; done; \
      ## Succeed if and only if the first process succeeded.
                  test -f elc-stamp; exit $$?; \
                fi; \
    These solutions all still suffer from the third problem, namely that
 they break the promise that ‘make -n’ should not cause any actual
 changes to the tree.  For those solutions that do not create lock files,
 it is possible to split the recover rules into two separate recipe
 commands, one of which does all work but the recursion, and the other
 invokes the recursive ‘$(MAKE)’.  The solutions involving locking could
 act upon the contents of the ‘MAKEFLAGS’ variable, but parsing that
 portably is not easy (⇒(autoconf)The Make Macro MAKEFLAGS).  Here
 is an example:
      ELFILES = one.el two.el three.el ...
      ELCFILES = $(ELFILES:=c)
      elc-stamp: $(ELFILES)
              @rm -f elc-temp
              @touch elc-temp
              $(elisp_comp) $(ELFILES)
              @mv -f elc-temp $@
      $(ELCFILES): elc-stamp
      ## Recover from the removal of $@
              @dry=; for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
                case $$f in \
                  *=*|--*);; \
                  *n*) dry=:;; \
                esac; \
              done; \
              if test -f $@; then :; else \
                $$dry trap 'rm -rf elc-lock elc-stamp' 1 2 13 15; \
                if $$dry mkdir elc-lock 2>/dev/null; then \
      ## This code is being executed by the first process.
                  $$dry rm -f elc-stamp; \
                  $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) elc-stamp; \
                  $$dry rmdir elc-lock; \
                else \
      ## This code is being executed by the follower processes.
      ## Wait until the first process is done.
                  while test -d elc-lock && test -z "$$dry"; do \
                    sleep 1; \
                  done; \
      ## Succeed if and only if the first process succeeded.
                  $$dry test -f elc-stamp; exit $$?; \
                fi; \
    For completeness it should be noted that GNU ‘make’ is able to
 express rules with multiple output files using pattern rules (⇒
 Pattern Rule Examples (make)Pattern Examples.).  We do not discuss
 pattern rules here because they are not portable, but they can be
 convenient in packages that assume GNU ‘make’.