automake-1.16: The Types of Distributions

 14.5 The Types of Distributions
 Automake generates rules to provide archives of the project for
 distributions in various formats.  Their targets are:
      Generate a ‘gzip’ tar archive of the distribution.  This is the
      only format enabled by default.  By default, this rule makes ‘gzip’
      use a compression option of ‘--best’.  To make it use a different
      one, set the ‘GZIP_ENV’ environment variable.  For example, ‘make
      dist-gzip GZIP_ENV=-7’.
      Generate a ‘bzip2’ tar archive of the distribution.  bzip2 archives
      are usually smaller than gzipped archives.  By default, this rule
      makes ‘bzip2’ use a compression option of ‘-9’.  To make it use a
      different one, set the ‘BZIP2’ environment variable.
      Generate an ‘lzip’ tar archive of the distribution.  ‘lzip’
      archives are usually smaller than ‘bzip2’-compressed archives.  By
      default, this rule makes ‘lzip’ use a compression option of ‘-9’.
      To make it use a different one, set the ‘LZIP_OPT’ environment
      Generate an ‘xz’ tar archive of the distribution.  ‘xz’ archives
      are usually smaller than ‘bzip2’-compressed archives.  By default,
      this rule makes ‘xz’ use a compression option of ‘-e’.  To make it
      use a different one, set the ‘XZ_OPT’ environment variable.  For
      example, run this command to use the default compression ratio, but
      with a progress indicator: ‘make dist-xz XZ_OPT=-ve’.
      Generate a ‘zip’ archive of the distribution.
      Generate a ‘zstd’ tar archive of the distribution.  By default,
      this rule makes ‘zstd’ use a compression option of ‘-19’.  To use a
      different setting, set the ‘ZSTD_OPT’ environment variable.  For
      example, run this command to use the default compression ratio, but
      with a progress indicator: ‘make dist-zstd ZSTD_OPT=-19v’.
      However, note that for compatibility with ‘zstd’ itself, you may
      instead set the ‘ZSTD_CLEVEL’ environment variable, in which case,
      any ‘ZSTD_OPT’ setting is ignored.
      Generate a ‘shar’ archive of the distribution.  This format archive
      is obsolescent, and use of this option is deprecated.  It and the
      corresponding functionality will be removed altogether in Automake
      Generate a tar archive of the distribution, compressed with the
      historical (and obsolescent) program ‘compress’.  This option is
      deprecated, and it and the corresponding functionality will be
      removed altogether in Automake 2.0.
    The rule ‘dist’ (and its historical synonym ‘dist-all’) will create
 archives in all the enabled formats (⇒List of Automake options
 for how to change this list).  By default, only the ‘dist-gzip’ target
 is enabled by ‘dist’.