grub: Chain-loading

 5.1.2 Chain-loading an OS
 Operating systems that do not support Multiboot and do not have specific
 support in GRUB (specific support is available for Linux, FreeBSD,
 NetBSD and OpenBSD) must be chain-loaded, which involves loading another
 boot loader and jumping to it in real mode.
    The 'chainloader' command (⇒chainloader) is used to set this
 up.  It is normally also necessary to load some GRUB modules and set the
 appropriate root device.  Putting this together, we get something like
 this, for a Windows system on the first partition of the first hard
 menuentry "Windows" {
 	insmod chain
 	insmod ntfs
 	set root=(hd0,1)
 	chainloader +1
    On systems with multiple hard disks, an additional workaround may be
 required.  ⇒DOS/Windows.
    Chain-loading is only supported on PC BIOS and EFI platforms.